Contact Information

  • Phone: 604-638-3133
  • 5050 Kingsway Avenue
    Burnaby, BC V5H 4H2

Sharon Farquharson

HeadWorks Physiotherapy is located in Burnaby, in beautiful British Columbia. Our principal physiotherapist, Sharon Farquharson, completed her Physiotherapy degree at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. She has mostly worked in orthopaedics, with a brief foray into geriatrics and pediatrics.

Over the years, Sharon has developed a treatment philosophy that combines patient education and exercise prescription with dedicated, one-to-one hands-on interaction with her clients, using a whole body approach.

She has a keen interest in Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD or TMJD) and orofacial pain. She is always looking for avenues to improve and expand her knowledge base and techniques. At the same time, she is looking to complement her techniques with Craniosacral Therapy and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT), and is always eager to learn as she believes that no learning is ever wasted.